Chakra: Manipura

In previous blog, we understood Swadhisthan Chakra or sex Chakra.

Manipura Chakra is third chakra , also called as Solar plexus Chakra.

It’s located just above naval region.

It’s yellow In colour with ten petals.

It is basically concerned clarity, self-confidence, bliss, self-assurance, knowledge, wisdom and the ability to make correct decisions.

Let’s understand it with our example of home sweet home.

Metaphorically we compared foundation of our home with Mooladhaar Chakra, and compared basement of our home with Svadhishthan Chakra. So the ground floor or the living floor with kitchen , drawing room, living room represent Solar Plexus chakra.

It’s usually the most happening floor of our home. Kitchen deals with fire element, study with wisdom, and we raise above from our animal instincts to human being in bedroom. Our personality and clarity of thoughts are reflected in living room.We make dicisions on dining table. Our confidence is reflected in drawing room.

So if it’s balanced one will have strong sense of identity, confidence.And once abilities, motivation and self-discipline to turn thoughts into action.

But if it’s unbalanced , digestive issues arise. This can show up as improper processing of nutrients, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome. Eating disorders, Ulcers, Diabetes, issues with the pancreas, liver, and colon.

An imbalance can also cause severe emotional problems. Starting with doubt and mistrust towards the people in once life, continuing with a lot of worries about what others may think about you.  Some people may experience low levels of self-esteem, searching for continuous confirmation and approval from others. This imbalance may lead to unhealthy attachments to people in your life.

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