Chakra: Svadhishthan

In previous blog, we understood Mooladhaar Chakra or Root Chakra.

It’s a second chakra , also called as Sacral Chakra.

It’s located at perineal region.

It’s ornange In colour with six petals.

It is basically concerned with creativity, sexuality, reproduction and pleasure.

Let’s understand it with our example of home sweet home.

Metaphorically we compared foundation of our home with Mooladhaar Chakra, similarly we can compare basement of our home with Svadhishthan Chakra.

What usually we use basement for, our gym, fantacy room, home theatre, game zone etc. All related with pleasure and health activities. If we keep basement clean, we can enjoy all these activities but if our basement is full of clutter, we can’t enjoy any of the said activities.

So if it’s balanced we feel, creative, joyful, sexuality, healthy sex life, prosperity, patience, fertilty, healthy body and pleasure.

But if it’s unbalanced , then we feel, guilty, shyness, irresponsive, infertile, sexual and health issues, allery and eating disorder

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